India is home to a variety of Tribal communities. For centuries, they have preserved their rich traditions and cuisines in various states of India. So, cook unique recipes with a variety of ingredients varying from flowers and chutneys to local garden veggies.
The top 5 popular Tribal recipes to try in 2023
- Demta Chutney
Demta Chutney or Kai is popular among tribes. It is a sour and spicy chutney made from red weaver ants. Particularly, it uses the eggs of red ants found in the wild. Further, the eggs from trees to make chutney. This chutney is cooked within the Tribes in Odisha, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh.
Apart from its taste, this chutney is also known for its health benefits. It is rich in protein and calcium. The red weaver ants and their eggs are grinded and mixed with strong spices. Additonally, for more flavor, garlic, ginger, chilies, and coriander is added to it.
- Mahua
It is a traditional liquor consumed by some Tribes in India. Mahua takes its name from the Madhuca longifolia flower that is used for making it. It tastes sweet with smoky undertones. Also, this plant is used to treat heart, skin, and eye diseases. Mahua is a fermented liquid that soothes the stomach and helps to improve intestinal troubles. It is consumed by many people in central, eastern, and parts of northern India.
- Sandhana Pickle
Pickle is an integral part of Indian cuisines across several states of the country. Sandhana means tender bamboo shoots that are popular in Jharkhand. These tender bamboo shoots have various nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and minerals. These bamboo shoots are cut into pieces. Consequently, it’s fermented to the Pickle. Later, onions, tomatoes, green chilies, and mustard oil are mixed with it. Just like other pickles it is kept in the sun to prepare it.
- The Khar dish
This is a popular dish among people in Assam. Khar means ashes. So, the central ingredient of this dish is banana ash. It is sifted in water and used in a few amounts. It includes unripe papaya and pulses too. These ingredients are boiled in water until the papayas are cooked which brings freshness. In terms of serving, it is served hot with mustard oil. Usually, it is eaten with sticky or plain rice.
- Bamboo steamed Fish
Bamboo steamed fish is a popular recipe in Nagaland. It is a local recipe for cooling steamed fish that gives it an authentic taste. Furthermore, bamboo steamed fish is a simple dish with red-dried chilies, fresh fish, garlic, bamboo shoot squeeze, and salt. Also, the dish is not streamed in normal vessels. Rather, it’s cooked by steaming in a bamboo streamer. It is filled with authentic bamboo flavor and served with rice.
Summing up,
These are some Tribal recipes popular across India. These recipes have a unique taste with authentic strong flavors and Indian spices. Consequently, various households in India relish these dishes.