Delhi education department issued a circular reiterated that disciplinary measures like expulsion or rustication should be resorted to in extreme cases where further retention of a student in school is likely to endanger the life and safety of the students or staff.
After the recent incident of a government school teacher being stabbed by students in West Delhi, the Directorate of Education (DoE) issued a circular with instructions to the school administration in cases of violence.
“Despite a generally congenial atmosphere prevailing in our schools, at times, freak incidents of violence by some students pose a threat to the overall safety and security of our students and teachers,” stated the DoE circular.
The DoE’s instructions to the school administrations included expelling or debarring a student from being readmitted to the same school and rusticating or putting a ban on the admission of a student in any school until the expiry period of the rustication.

The instructions added students who have attained the age of 14 years are to be delegated to the Discipline Committee of the concerned school which shall comprise the head of the school, vice-chairperson of the School Management Committee (SMC), SMC social worker, senior most teacher of the school, class teacher, and educational and vocational counsellor (EVG).
The circular reiterated that disciplinary measures like expulsion or rustication should be resorted to in extreme cases where further retention of a student in school is likely to endanger the life and safety of the students or staff. It also instructed that no measure should be taken without giving the student’s parent or guardian a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the proposed action.
The instructions provided to the school administrations basically included removing or debarring a student from being readmitted to the same school and rusticating or putting a ban on the admission of a student.