On May 1, 2023, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath made a statement regarding the recent arrests of criminals in the state. Adityanath stated that criminals in Uttar Pradesh are “begging for mercy with placards around their necks”. He also said that over 15,000 criminals have been arrested in the last two years in the state and that the law and order situation has improved significantly.
The Chief Minister’s statement comes amidst a high-profile crackdown on criminal activities in the state. The state government has been conducting multiple operations to arrest criminals and has been publicizing their arrests in the media. The government has also been using technology such as CCTV cameras and drones to monitor and prevent criminal activities.
The statement by Adityanath has been criticized by some opposition leaders who claim that it is an attempt to glorify vigilantism and undermine the rule of law. However, the Chief Minister has defended his statement, stating that it is a reflection of the government’s tough stance on crime and that the law and order situation has improved significantly in the state under his leadership.
On May 1, 2023, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath claimed that the state government has managed to bring down the crime rate in the state, and that criminals are now “begging for mercy with placards around their necks.” He made the statement while addressing a public rally in the state’s Ghazipur district.
The Chief Minister stated that his government has taken strict action against criminals, and as a result, the crime rate in the state has come down. He also mentioned the case of a criminal who was recently arrested in the state and who was seen begging for mercy with a placard around his neck.