The Uttar Pradesh Police has arrested singer Samar Singh, who was accused in the death of popular Bhojpuri actor Akanksha Dubey, from Ghaziabad. A look-out notice had been issued against Samar Singh and another man after Ms Dubey was found dead in a hotel room in Sarnath around a fortnight ago. Samar Singh was hiding in a housing society in the Nandgram area of Ghaziabad. The 25-year-old actor was found hanging in the hotel. Lawyer Shashak Shekhar Tripathi, who has taken up the case for the actor’s mother Madhu Dubey, has raised a question mark on the post-mortem report and said that he was seeking the advice of medical experts and based on it preparing questions for the police.
These are serious allegations and it is important for a thorough investigation to be conducted to determine the cause of Akansha Dubey’s death and to hold any individuals responsible for any wrongdoing. It is also important for steps to be taken to prevent exploitation and ensure fair treatment and payment for all individuals working in the Bhojpuri industry. Lawyer Shashak Shekhar Tripathi, who is representing the actor’s mother Madhu Dubey, has demanded a probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) or Crime Branch-Criminal Investigation Department (CB-CID) into the matter. He has alleged that Akanksha Dubey’s death was not a suicide, but rather she was killed by some people in the hotel room.