Lalu Prasad Yadav, the former Chief Minister of Bihar and leader of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), returned to Patna in April 2023 amid speculation about his role in the opposition’s unity ahead of the upcoming Bihar Assembly elections. Yadav, who had been receiving medical treatment in a Mumbai hospital for several months, was welcomed by his supporters as he arrived at Patna airport.
Yadav’s return to Bihar is seen as a significant development in the state’s politics, as his party has been a major player in Bihar for several years. The RJD is part of the opposition coalition in Bihar, which is currently led by the Congress party.
There has been speculation that Yadav, who is known for his political acumen and mass appeal, could play a crucial role in bringing together the opposition parties in Bihar ahead of the Assembly elections. The elections are expected to be held later this year.
Yadav’s return to Patna has also sparked a political controversy, with the ruling National Democratic Alliance (NDA) alleging that he was trying to create unrest in the state. The NDA has accused Yadav of making inflammatory statements against the government and trying to incite violence.
Yadav, however, has denied the allegations and said that he was returning to Bihar to work for the betterment of the people. He has also criticized the NDA government for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the deteriorating law and order situation in the state.
The RJD, under Yadav’s leadership, had won a landslide victory in the 2015 Bihar Assembly elections, but lost to the NDA in the 2020 elections. Yadav’s return to Patna is expected to boost the morale of the RJD and its supporters, who are hoping to make a comeback in the upcoming elections.
Lalu Yadav is a prominent Indian politician and the founder of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) party, which is based in the state of Bihar. He served as the Chief Minister of Bihar multiple times and also held various ministerial positions at the national level.
In 2013, Lalu Yadav was convicted in the first of several corruption cases and was subsequently disqualified from holding public office. In 2017, he was found guilty in another case and sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison.
Lalu Yadav was released on bail in April 2021, after spending over three years in jail. Since his release, there have been speculations about his role in the opposition unity ahead of the 2024 Indian general elections. Some political analysts believe that Lalu Yadav could play a key role in bringing together various opposition parties to challenge the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government.
Recently, Lalu Yadav returned to Patna, the capital city of Bihar, after spending several months in Delhi for medical treatment. His return has triggered further speculations about his future plans and his possible role in the upcoming state assembly elections in Bihar, which are scheduled to be held in 2025.