Congress Karnataka chief DK Shivakumar has expressed support for Karnataka’s homegrown milk brand Nandini amid the ongoing charges and counter-charges between the ruling BJP and the Opposition Congress and JD(S) over Amul’s announcement of foraying into the Karnataka market. Mr Shivakumar claimed that Nandini is a better brand than Amul and stated that they don’t need any Amul. The Congress leader accused the BJP of raising the prices of all dairy products and not providing any help to farmers. Amul had recently announced that it will sell dairy products in Bengaluru, following which Opposition Congress and the JD(U) expressed their protest. The tweet states that KMF (Karnataka Milk Federation) is the second-largest milk cooperative in the nation and has depots in several states including Maharashtra, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu. The tweet also mentions that 15% of KMF’s total sales come from outside Karnataka and that the Nandini brand of milk produced by KMF is exported to countries like Singapore, UAE, and others. Finally, the tweet clarifies that there are no plans for a merger between Amul and KMF.
This tweet appears to be a political statement made by Mr. Malviya, praising the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and criticizing the Indian National Congress party. The tweet mentions that under the BJP, the state of Karnataka has a surplus of milk and that dairy farmers are doing well. Mr. Malviya also criticizes the Congress party for opposing an anti-cow slaughter bill and approving of the slaughter of cows, which he claims includes the brand Nandini. Finally, he states that the BJP plans to make Nandini, a brand of milk products produced by the Karnataka Milk Federation (KMF), even bigger.