The Enforcement Directorate has informed a Delhi court that it has new evidence of complicity against Manish Sisodia, an AAP leader, in the alleged excise scam. The agency made these submissions while requesting time to argue on the bail application of the former Delhi deputy chief minister. The agency counsel stated that the investigation in the money laundering probe against Sisodia is at a crucial stage, and the agency has found fresh evidence of his involvement. The judicial custody of Sisodia was extended till April 17 by the court.
The arguments on the bail application were adjourned until April 12. According to the counsel appearing for Manish Sisodia, there is no evidence to support the charge of money laundering against him. He argued that the excise policy was approved by various authorities, including the LG, and that Sisodia should not be solely blamed for any wrongdoing. Additionally, he stated that the probe is not under the preview of the ED and that they cannot make vague allegations that Sisodia will tamper with evidence if he is released on bail. It seems like Manish Sisodia’s counsel is denying the allegation of tampering with evidence, suggesting that the ED has no evidence to support the charge of money laundering against him. Additionally, they are arguing that Manish Sisodia was not accused of influencing, contacting, or threatening witnesses during his time as excise portfolio holder and that he is not holding any portfolio currently.