Union Home Minister Amit Shah said the BJP will form a government again in Karnataka in an address to a public meeting in south Goa. Assembly elections are scheduled next month in Karnataka. Shah took a swipe at Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge for his remarks on BJP’s victory in “small states” of Goa and Uttarakhand earlier. He also said Congress was wiped out in Northeast polls after Rahul Gandhi campaigned for the party. Shah emphasized the importance of small states and said the Centre has a bigger responsibility towards them as they are important parts of India. Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that the Congress party was wiped out in the recently-held elections in the Northeast, despite Rahul Gandhi’s full-fledged campaign after leading the Bharat Jodo Yatra. He added that the people gave their mandate in favor of the BJP.
He said the Centre has a bigger responsibility towards small states as they are important parts of India. Amit Shah said BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi are blessed with a full majority in states like Goa and Uttarakhand. Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister, said that small states are important parts of India and the Centre has a bigger responsibility towards them. He also mentioned that the BJP and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have a full majority in states like Goa and Uttarakhand.