According to officials, at least 1,400 civilians living in border villages of Rajouri and Poonch districts in Jammu have been trained in the use of firearms by the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in the past three months. These residents have been armed with at least 115 guns and ammunition, following the recent terror attacks in Rajouri’s Dhangri village on January 1-2.
As many as 19 CRPF companies with around 1,900 personnel are still posted in Rajouri and Poonch districts, and the group behind the attacks are still at large. The training is part of a revival of village defence groups (VDGs), to help residents of villages along the border with Pakistan defend themselves against terror attacks. The CRPF officer clarified that this is an ongoing process and there has been no reduction of security forces. The recent terror attacks in Rajouri’s Dhangri village have prompted the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) to train around 1,400 civilians in the use of firearms, according to officials.
The residents have been given at least 115 guns and adequate ammunition as a form of self-defence against potential future attacks. The training started after the Dhangri village attacks on January 1-2 in which four civilians were killed and another injured. In addition to the VDGs, some villagers have also requested fresh arms licences. The group responsible for the attacks is still at large.