The much-anticipated film “Fighter,” starring powerhouse performers Deepika Padukone and Hrithik Roshan, has set the stage on fire with its advance booking on day one. The film, which brings together two of Bollywood’s brightest stars, garnered immense attention and recorded a remarkable feat in its initial ticket sales.
Within the first day of advance bookings, “Fighter” managed to sell over 60,000 tickets, signaling a strong pre-release buzz and an eager audience awaiting the cinematic spectacle. The impressive ticket sales translate to a staggering Rs 2 crore in revenue, underscoring the undeniable allure of the film and the magnetic pull of its star-studded cast.
Deepika Padukone, known for her commanding screen presence and versatility, joins forces with the Greek God of Bollywood, Hrithik Roshan, in what promises to be a cinematic extravaganza. The on-screen pairing of these two powerhouses has undoubtedly contributed to the overwhelming response witnessed during the advance booking phase.
As the news of “Fighter” dominating the ticket sales charts broke, fans and industry enthusiasts alike celebrated the film’s pre-release success. The collaboration between Deepika Padukone and Hrithik Roshan has been a topic of anticipation and speculation, and the impressive advance bookings only add to the excitement surrounding the project.
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Interestingly, the advance booking phase also saw the presence of another Bollywood sensation – Alia Bhatt. While details about Alia Bhatt’s role in the film are yet to be revealed, her attendance at the event added an extra layer of star power and fueled further intrigue about the film’s ensemble cast.
“Fighter,” directed by Siddharth Anand, is touted to be a high-octane action film that brings together a stellar cast and a gripping storyline. Further,the record-breaking advance bookings serve as a testament to the audience’s eagerness to witness this cinematic spectacle on the big screen.
As the countdown to the film’s release intensifies, the remarkable response to the advance bookings sets the stage for “Fighter” to make a resounding impact at the box office. Also, the collaboration of Deepika Padukone, Hrithik Roshan, and the talented Alia Bhatt is poised to create fireworks on screen, leaving fans and the film fraternity eagerly awaiting its grand unveiling.