The Punjab Police has arrested Joga Singh, a key aide of radical preacher Amritpal Singh, for allegedly providing shelter and assistance to the Khalistan sympathizer in Uttar Pradesh’s Pilibhit. Joga Singh was arrested from Sirhind in Fatehgarh Sahib after crossing over to Punjab from Haryana. According to Deputy Inspector General of Police Narinder Bhargav, Joga Singh provided shelter to Amritpal Singh and his aide Papalpreet Singh in Pilibhit and also arranged vehicles for them. Joga Singh was in direct contact with Amritpal Singh and brought them back to Punjab. Amritpal and Papalpreet fled Punjab on March 18 following a police crackdown, and they returned to the state on March 28.According to the Deputy Inspector General of Police (Border Range) Narinder Bhargav, Joga Singh, who is a resident of Ludhiana and the in-charge of a “dera” in Pilibhit, was arrested from Sirhind in Fatehgarh Sahib. He crossed over to Punjab from Haryana before being arrested. Mr. Bhargav stated that Joga Singh was an aide of Amritpal Singh and a joint operation of the Amritsar Police (Rural) and the Hoshiarpur Police led to his arrest.It seems that Amritpal Singh and his associates have been involved in multiple criminal cases. These cases include charges related to spreading disharmony among classes, attempt to murder, attack on police personnel, and creating obstructions in the lawful discharge of duty by public servants. It appears that the police have been conducting a major crackdown on them and their outfit, “Waris Punjab De.”