An FIR has been registered against Samajwadi Party (SP) MLA Lucky Yadav and nine others for allegedly holding a PWD contractor hostage, beating him, and obstructing his work in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. The complaint was filed by the contractor, Hitesh Kumar, who alleged that Yadav and his supporters hurled abuses at him and his team while they were undertaking measuring work on a lane opposite the MLA’s house. The MLA and his supporters have been booked under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including punishment for rioting, assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of his duty, and punishment for criminal intimidation. Yadav has rejected the charges and claimed that the contractor and his team barged into the underground parking area of his house. He said the contractor and his team barged into the underground parking area of his house and when the same was captured by CCTV cameras, his securitymen caught hold of three people, while one person ran away.
According to the SP MLA Lucky Yadav, the contractor and his team entered the underground parking area of his house without permission. CCTV cameras recorded the incident, and his security personnel caught hold of three people, while one person managed to escape. Yadav claims that when he confronted the team, they failed to give him a satisfactory answer, and he informed the Superintendent of Police. However, he alleges that the police force sent by the Superintendent of Police forcibly entered his house, misbehaved with the women members of the house, and beat them up. He further claims that a video of this incident has gone viral on social media, and the police have registered a case against him despite his innocence.