In the tumultuous setting of Bigg Boss 17, the spotlight has turned towards Ankita Lokhande, the accomplished actor, and contestant on the reality show. Recent developments within the show have brought attention to Ankita’s personal life, particularly the dynamics with her mother-in-law, Ranjana Jain, and husband Vicky Jain.
A significant moment unfolded when popular actor Rashami Desai took to her Instagram to rally behind Ankita. In a series of Stories, Rashami criticized Ranjana Jain’s apparent bias towards Vicky Jain in their conflicts, showing support for Ankita’s perspective. This sparked the attention of Ankita’s mother, Vandana, who acknowledged Rashami’s stance by liking a post on an entertainment portal.
In one of Rashami’s heartfelt Stories, she shared a picture with Ankita and conveyed a powerful message. “Stay the way u are. I love you for being u,” she wrote. Rashami emphasized that Ankita has undergone many changes, not just for herself but also for the person she loves. She acknowledged the significance of love and the contributions made by Ankita’s unwavering commitment. The post also highlighted Ankita’s journey, crediting her fearless attitude for earning her a place in the Virasat.
About Ankita Lokhande:
Ankita Lokhande’s resilience and fearless demeanor have been key elements in her journey, both within and outside the Bigg Boss house. The challenges she has faced, coupled with the support from allies like Rashami Desai, showcase her strength and determination. In the face of familial discord on national television, Ankita continues to navigate the complexities with grace, earning admiration for staying true to herself.
The unfolding drama on Bigg Boss 17 serves as a testament to Ankita Lokhande’s character and unwavering spirit. As the show progresses, it remains to be seen how Ankita’s journey will further unfold and whether her fearless attitude will continue to be a driving force in the face of familial challenges.