AR Rahman, the celebrated composer, thanked the audience for their love and support in a tweet on Monday night after his concert in Pune was stopped by the police for overshooting the 10 pm deadline. He described the concert as a “roller coaster ride” and said he and his band were overwhelmed by the love of the audience and wanted to give more. Following the incident, a hashtag ‘#DisRespectOfARRahman’ started trending on Twitter, with fans expressing their support for the composer and criticising the police for stopping the concert in the middle of a song. An aide close to AR Rahman said that the police should have talked to the organisers instead of pointing fingers at the composer.
10pm was the curfew time but they’ve said it’s the last song and only a minute left. The police official went to the stage and asked ARR (Rahman) directly to stop, pointing finger at him. Police should have talked to the organisers or other control booths,” the aide said.
According to an aide close to AR Rahman, the police could have handled the situation in a better manner. The curfew time was 10 pm, but they were already playing the last song, and only a minute was left. The police official went directly to the stage and asked Rahman to stop, pointing fingers at him. The aide suggested that the police should have talked to the organizers or other control booths instead of directly interrupting the performance. The event organizer Dr. Heramb Shelke also criticized the police for disrespecting Rahman and said that stopping the show in such a manner was not appropriate.