On April 3, 2023, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a speech at the diamond jubilee celebrations of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) where he spoke about the effects of corruption in India. Modi stated that corruption is the most significant obstacle to justice and democracy, and it is not an ordinary crime as it harms the rights of the poor and creates other crimes. The prime minister also mentioned that the CBI is responsible for removing corruption from the country.
He asked officers to take action against corruption without hesitation, and there should be no laxity in their efforts. Modi also mentioned that corruption promotes nepotism and dynastic systems, which erodes the nation’s strength, hampering development. The prime minister also discussed the government’s actions to instill faith in the system, such as taking action against black money and benami property, bringing transparency in issuing government tenders, and establishing the Government eMarketplace (GeM) Portal.
It seems like a statement from a leader urging individuals to stay focused and dedicated to their work, especially when dealing with corrupt individuals. The leader is emphasizing that corruption should not be tolerated and that everyone’s efforts should be directed towards fighting it. The statement also suggests that the leader believes the country, the law, and the constitution support these efforts. It is important for government officials to uphold the rule of law and take action against corrupt individuals without hesitation. It is also important for them not to be intimidated by the power or influence of those who engage in corrupt practices or the ecosystem they create to protect themselves. By doing so, they can help ensure that the country’s laws and constitution are upheld and that the wishes of the country and its people are respected.