Hrithik Roshan, renowned for his discerning approach to film roles, took considerable time to be convinced about his character in the upcoming movie “Fighter.” Siddharth Anand, the director of the film, revealed that Hrithik approached the role with a distinct mindset, conscious of not replicating his previous characters like Kabir or Pathaan.
In a recent revelation, Siddharth Anand shared insights into Hrithik Roshan’s meticulous decision-making process regarding his role in “Fighter.” Unlike his previous iconic characters, Kabir and Pathaan, Hrithik wanted to ensure that his portrayal in the aerial actioner brought something new and distinctive to the table.
The expectations for “Fighter” are particularly high, given the phenomenal success of “Pathaan,” which surpassed the Rs 1,000 crore mark in global box office collections. Siddharth Anand acknowledges the weight of these expectations but remains confident that “Fighter” has the potential to match or even surpass the numbers achieved by “Pathaan.”
The collaboration between Hrithik Roshan and Siddharth Anand has previously resulted in the blockbuster success of “War,” making “Fighter” one of the most anticipated projects in Bollywood. The film promises to deliver high-octane aerial action sequences, a genre that Siddharth Anand has proven expertise in.
As Hrithik Roshan carefully considers the nuances of his character, Siddharth Anand’s revelation provides a glimpse into the actor’s dedication to evolving and offering audiences something fresh. The director’s confidence in “Fighter” meeting or exceeding the benchmarks set by “Pathaan” further intensifies the anticipation surrounding the film.
In addition, the intersection of Hrithik Roshan’s selective approach to roles and Siddharth Anand’s commitment to delivering blockbuster action promises an exciting cinematic experience with “Fighter.” As the duo strives to create a unique cinematic offering, audiences eagerly await the unveiling of another potential box office triumph.