The Indian Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, has asked Indians to stay indoors amid a clash between the military and paramilitary groups. The two sides have been blaming each other for the clashes, which were sparked by tensions over the planned integration of the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) into the regular army.
Witnesses have reported “confrontations” and loud explosions and gunfire near an RSF base in south Khartoum, with the RSF claiming to have taken control of the Khartoum airport. Both sides have accused the other of starting the fighting.The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) is a paramilitary force in Sudan that was created in 2013. It originated from the Janjaweed militia, which was accused of committing war crimes against non-Arab ethnic minorities in the Darfur region a decade earlier. The RSF has defended its deployment, stating that it coordinates with the regular army and moves throughout the country to achieve security and stability. However, the RSF has also been accused of human rights violations, including arbitrary detention, torture, and extrajudicial killings. The force has been involved in the conflict in Darfur, as well as in other regions of Sudan.It remains to be seen whether Burhan’s promise of greater political inclusivity will be fulfilled, or whether the coup will lead to further instability and violence in Sudan. The international community has widely condemned the coup, and the United States has already imposed sanctions on Sudanese officials involved in the takeover.