The Kolkata Metro made history by conducting its first underwater journey through a tunnel that runs inside the Hooghly river on Wednesday. The 520 meters stretch under the river Hooghly is expected to be covered by the metro in 45 seconds, passing through a tunnel that is 32 meters below the water level. The underground route is 4.8 kilometers long, and once operational, it will be the deepest metro station in India, located 33 meters below the surface. The underwater journey will be conducted in trial runs for the next seven months, after which regular services will be operational.
The commercial services on this stretch are expected to begin this year.The Kolkata Metro created history by conducting its first journey underwater through a tunnel that runs inside the Hooghly river. The train passed through the 520-meter stretch under the river Hooghly in just 45 seconds and the tunnel is 32 meters below the water level. The underground route is 4.8 km long, and once the stretch opens, it will be the deepest Metro station in India, located 33 meters below the surface. The trial runs for the underwater journey from Howrah Maidan to Esplanade will be conducted for the next seven months, after which regular services on the route will be operational. It is expected that commercial services on this stretch will begin this year. Shri H. N. Jaiswal, Additional General Manager, Metro Railway, and MD, KMRCL, along with other senior officers of Metro Railway and KMRCL, accompanied P Uday Kumar Reddy, General Manager, Metro Railway, during this historic journey. Shri Reddy also offered puja at Howrah station once the rake reached there.