The internet is an incredible asset, but it can be a scary place for unsuspecting individuals. You may have heard about high-profile incidents of massive data breaches, stolen funds, and identity fraud, among other major threats. However, there is one threat that is especially concerning and that is the growing menace of crypto hacking. Cryptocurrency is the talk of the town and more individuals are investing in it to make money. With rising popularity, cybercriminals are also taking notice and they’ve developed new and improved methods of stealing money and information online. Recently, a 37-year-old man in Maharashtra lost Rs 12 lakh after his Bitcoin account was hacked. According to the Police, the incident occurred on 1st November 2022. However, the man only came forward to the authorities after he noticed that his money had gone missing.
This serves as a stark reminder to individuals who are investing in cryptocurrency – make sure you are mobile with the latest updates concerning online security. The cybercrime world is full of nimble and relentless adversaries who are always finding new ways to hack into systems. Therefore, to protect yourself from having your funds stolen, there are certain precautions you need to take. The most important one is to create strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication. You should also store your cryptocurrency on a hardware wallet and be sure to update it regularly. It’s also important to be aware when you are engaging in cryptocurrency transactions. If you are engaging someone you don’t know very well, then use a reputable escrow service to ensure that your money is safe and that you only get what you paid for.