Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy has joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) after resigning from Congress in March 2023 over differences with the party leadership. This move comes ahead of the assembly elections in Andhra Pradesh next year where the BJP is hoping to make inroads in the state. The 62-year-old politician could be a potential chief ministerial candidate for the BJP, and his presence is expected to strengthen the party’s presence in the Rayalaseema region where he has considerable influence.
The BJP is attempting to emerge as a third alternative in the state, which is currently dominated by the ruling YSR Congress and the main opposition Telugu Desam Party. This statement was made by former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy after he joined the BJP. Reddy praised the leaders of BJP, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, for their hard work and commitment towards the nation. He also praised the government for its clarity of thought, consistency, and courage in taking decisions. Former Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy criticized the Congress party leadership for its lack of interaction with others and its inability to accept the people’s verdict and make course corrections. He accused the Congress leadership of wanting authority to control but not wanting to work hard or take any responsibility. He expressed disappointment that he had to leave the party and quoted a saying that goes, “My king is very intelligent, he doesn’t think on his own, doesn’t listen to anyone’s advice.”