In the latest news, External Affairs Minister Jaishankar announced that the number of evacuated Indians had reached over 2,500, as three more flights carrying 229, 288, and 135 passengers arrived in India following the eighth flight of Operation Kaveri. The Indian Airforce C-130J plane carried 40 Indians from Jeddah to New Delhi.
Operation Kaveri aims to evacuate Indian-origin citizens from Sudan, which is experiencing violent clashes between the army and paramilitary forces. On Saturday, a ceasefire was called, leading several countries including India to attempt to evacuate their citizens.
On Saturday, INS Teg successfully evacuated 288 Indians, while INS Sumedha had also left the country earlier with 300 passengers onboard. The Indian government aims to evacuate around 3,000 Indian-origin citizens from Sudan, and as of Friday, more than 2,400 have been evacuated.
Upon their arrival in India, the Indian evacuees expressed their gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar for rescuing them from Sudan under Operation Kaveri.