The Parashuram theme park, with a 33 base bronze statue of Lord Parashuram, was inaugurated at Umikal hill at Bailur in Karnataka’s Udupi district by Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai. Speaking after the induction on Friday evening in Karkala taluk, the Chief Minister said a master plan will be drawn to promote culture and tourism in littoral Karnataka. The Parashuram statue installed atop Umikal hill in Bailur, located by the side of National Highway between Udupi and Karkala, is formerly attracting thousands of excursionists from the colorful corridor of the country.
Bommai said the littoral region has immense potential for attracting excursionists and the government is chalking out a number of schemes to promote tourism. The government aims to bring in overall development in the region by developing anchorages and roads. The government doesn’t want to offer pledges on packages, but is trying to ameliorate the lives of the people, he said. Bommai said the littoral region has immense potential for attracting excursionists and the government is chalking out a number of schemes to promote tourism.
The government aims to bring in overall development in the region by developing anchorages and roads. The government doesn’t want to offer pledges on packages, but is trying to ameliorate the lives of the people, he said. The theme demesne has a bhajan mandir, gallery, open air amphitheatre, delineations depicting life of Lord Parashuram, audio-visual gallery and an eatery. The demesne was set up by the Nirmiti Kendra in Udupi district.