Political statements made by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the launch of a new Vande Bharat train service in Rajasthan, which was criticized by Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot. The Chief Minister called out the PM’s comments as “unfortunate” and said that they were made with an eye on the upcoming assembly and general elections. During the event, PM Modi had criticized previous governments for turning the railways into an arena of politics and stated that the railways’ modernization had been affected by political considerations. The Vande Bharat Express train, Rajasthan’s first semi-high-speed train, will reduce travel time between Ajmer and Delhi, and its regular service will begin on the following day.”Technological advancements have taken place all over the world over time, due to which new technology has also come in India and there have been improvements in the railways,” he said, also mentioning former railway ministers in his statement such as Lal Bahadur Shastri and Jagjivan Ram.
In response to PM Modi’s political comments during the launch of a new train service in Rajasthan, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot credited former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for making modern trains like Vande Bharat possible. Gehlot also mentioned the contributions of previous railway ministers such as Lal Bahadur Shastri and Jagjivan Ram, stating that technological advancements have led to improvements in the railways over time. The Vande Bharat Express train, which is Rajasthan’s first semi-high-speed train, will reduce travel time between Ajmer and Delhi and will have stops in Jaipur, Alwar, and Gurugram.