Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor made an appearance at the coronation concert of King Charles III on Sunday, which was also attended by other celebrities such as Tom Cruise and Nicole Scherzinger. Sonam took to social media to share photos of herself wearing an off-shoulder cream gown with intricate flower designs. She mentioned that the dress was a collaborative vision of two of the most incredible designers from the two countries she calls home – India and the UK.
In the photos, Sonam looked lovely and radiant, and her mother, cousin, and other Bollywood celebrities dropped red heart emojis and comments complimenting her look. At the concert, Sonam introduced the performances of a couple of choirs and was welcomed as one of the biggest Hindi cinema stars by the announcer. She gave a speech highlighting the unity of the Commonwealth countries and their commitment to building a peaceful, sustainable, and prosperous future for everyone.
While some fans praised Sonam for the honor, others had mixed reactions, with some questioning the importance given to the English people and suggesting that she should do something for the country instead.
Sonam is known for her love of fashion and her appearances at international events. She has previously attended Cannes Film Festival and the Met Gala, where she has made bold fashion statements. The actor is also an advocate for social causes and has spoken out on issues such as mental health and women’s rights.