The Uttar Pradesh minister Dharampal Singh has alleged that the opposition parties were involved in the killing of gangster-politician Atiq Ahmad and his brother Ashraf. The two were shot dead by three men who posed as journalists during a media interaction on April 15, while being escorted by police to a medical college in Prayagraj. They were brought to Prayagraj from Gujarat and Bareilly prisons for interrogation in connection with the killing of Umesh Pal and his two police security guards earlier this year. Dharampal Singh claimed that some serious secrets were about to be revealed, which is why the opposition got Atiq killed. The Uttar Pradesh government has formed a three-member judicial inquiry commission to investigate the matter. They were brought to Prayagraj from Gujarat and Bareilly prisons for interrogation in connection with the killing of Umesh Pal and his two police security guards earlier this year. “The truth is that the opposition is involved in getting Atiq killed. Some serious secrets were about to be revealed, that’s why the opposition got him murdered,” said Dharampal Singh, the state animal husbandry and dairy development minister, who arrived here on Friday to attend the BJP workers’ conference for the Chandausi civic polls.
Dharampal Singh, the state animal husbandry and dairy development minister of Uttar Pradesh, has alleged that opposition parties were involved in the killing of gangster-politician Atiq Ahmad and his brother Ashraf. Singh claimed that the opposition parties were afraid that the duo would reveal their secrets, and thus, got them killed. Ahmad and his brother were shot dead by three men posing as journalists on April 15 while they were being escorted to a medical college in Prayagraj for a checkup. They were brought to Prayagraj from Gujarat and Bareilly prisons for interrogation in connection with the killing of Umesh Pal and his two police security guards earlier this year. The Uttar Pradesh government has constituted a three-member judicial inquiry commission to probe the matter.