In a grim turn of events, three personnel from the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), including two members of the specialized Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (CoBRA), lost their lives in an encounter with Maoists on the border of Sukma and Bijapur districts in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar region. The unfortunate incident unfolded in Tekulagudem village, a location that witnessed a tragic encounter in 2021, resulting in the loss of 23 soldiers’ lives.
Tekulagudem village has been a hotspot for Maoist activities, and the recent encounter occurred just hours after the establishment of a new security camp in the area. This village, situated 616 kilometers from the state capital Raipur, has been a challenging terrain for security forces combating insurgency.
Adding to the complexity of the situation, the encounter transpired shortly after the Indian Tricolour was hoisted for the first time on Republic Day in the Sukma-Bijapur area. The symbolic act aimed to demonstrate the government’s commitment to asserting its presence in the region and ensuring the safety of its citizens.
About Tragic Encounter in Tekulagudem:
The decision to establish a new security camp in Tekulagudem reflects the ongoing efforts by the government to strengthen its grip on areas prone to insurgent activities. Unfortunately, this move was met with a tragic consequence as the encounter unfolded, claiming the lives of brave CRPF personnel.
Tekulagudem was no stranger to tragedy, as it was the site of another deadly encounter in 2021 that resulted in the loss of 23 soldiers. This grim history underscores the persistent challenges faced by security forces in dealing with Maoist insurgency in the region.
The recent encounter in Tekulagudem serves as a somber reminder of the sacrifices made by the CRPF personnel in their relentless efforts to maintain peace and security in Chhattisgarh’s Bastar region. As the nation mourns the loss of these brave individuals, it also calls for a renewed focus on devising comprehensive strategies to address the root causes of insurgency and ensure the safety of those who serve on the front lines.