Rishabh Pant, who is also known as Star India wicketkeeper, met a horrific car crash early on Friday morning. He is currently admitted in a hospital in Dehradun. Rishabh Pant was driving his Mercedes Benz car, when his car met with an accident near Roorkee in Uttarakhand. The car of Rishabh Pant collided with a divider and caught fire while he was travelling from Delhi to Uttarakhand. An update has been given by Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on the health condition of the 25-year-old cricketer. The talented cricketer Pant has two cuts on forehead and a ligament tear in right knee but his condition is currently stable. “Rishabh’s condition remains stable, and he has now been shifted to Max Hospital, Dehradun, where he will undergo MRI scans to ascertain the extent of his injuries and formulate his further course of treatment”, said BCCI.
The statement further added that “The BCCI is in constant touch with Rishabh’s family while the Medical Team is in close contact with the doctors currently treating Rishabh. The Board will see to it that Rishabh receives the best possible medical care and gets all the support he needs to come out of this traumatic phase”. Rishabh Pant was a part of the Indian team that had won the Test series against Bangladesh earlier in the month of December. He has impressed the audience with the knocks of 46 and 93.
Recently in 2022, he got dropped from the T20I team for the series against Sri Lanka. And he was supposed to join National Cricket Academy for a strength and conditioning programme ahead of February’s Border-Gavaskar Trophy against Australia.
This is a very unfortunate incident as Pant has been India’s regular wicket-keeper across all matches after MS Dhoni’s retirement. In the past two years, Pant has been listed in one of India’s top performers with the bat in Test cricket. Ashok Kumar has confirmed that at the time of accident the cricketer was alone in the car at the time of the accident and broke the windscreen to escape from the vehicle after it caught fire. Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said his government will bear the entire expense of Pant’s treatment. Dhami spoke to the cricketer’s mother and assured her that the state government will provide all necessary support.